
Homeless!PrussiaxCanada-A New Home pt.15

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Francis has been talking about going shopping ever since he's landed in America. He wants to bring Matthew, Gilbert, and Luddy too. Getting Gilbert and Ludwig some new clothes was one of his topmost priorities. They were left wearing the hand-me-downs the brothers had given them rather than owning their own set of clothing. And to Francis, that was not gorgeous at all. From the last time he's been at the mall, he knew there was a store that they would enjoy shopping in. He smiled to himself and walked into the living room to find Matthew lying on the couch with Ludwig stroking the blonde’s hair. 

"Salut papa." Matthew smiled to him.

"Salut, mon petit." Francis replied back. He noticed the little boy, but where was the other? 

"Where's Gilbert?" 

Matthew ushered to the kitchen door with his thumb and smiled.

"He wanted to make us some breakfast."

"I see he is taking the initiative for his amour, isn't he?" 

Matthew blushed deeply and shook his head.

"N-Non, he just wanted to try making the pancakes I taught him..."

That made Ludwig giggle. Hearing Matthew get shy was always funny to him. Francis giggled too. 

"Oh, Matthew, when you will ever understand that saying you love somebody is perfectly okay?" 

Matthew's blush increased tenfold. He knew his father was fine with it, and enjoyed the concept of love, but did he really have to say something like that so casually? 

"I-I'm just not used to it yet..."

"Alright Matthew, I'll leave you alone and pester Gilbert now."

He turned and walked into the kitchen. He found Gilbert in an unusually upbeat mood, humming away a carefree tune with his back facing the blonde Frenchman and his front over the hob. He was smiling to himself as the tune became louder, mimicking the sound of a common German lullaby. Francis smiled to himself at the sight. It was nice to see Gilbert smile instead of the usual gloomy mood he had. 

"Good morning, Gilbert." Francis said with his smile growing brighter.

Jumping slightly at the voice, he turned back and wore a broad, true smile towards his company.

"Morning, Francis."

"I'm so glad to see that you're smiling. It was always depressing to be around you." 

Gilbert's smile dropped quickly as he was left with a deadpan expression.

"Gee, thanks. I didn't mean to be depressing."

"It's quite alright. I'm glad that Matthew can make someone so happy."

His grin returned and he got back to focusing his attention on the cooking.

"He makes me happier than I thought was even possible."

"And you're making him happy in return." 

Francis stared down at the food that he was making. The pancakes actually looked good and he couldn't wait until they were ready. Soon enough, Gilbert gave one last satisfied hum and began presenting them onto each plate. He hadn't cooked for more than just Ludwig before, so making so many was a bit of a challenge for him, but all in all he was glad of how well they had each come out. At the exact moment, Ludwig, and Matthew walked into the kitchen.

"Big bruder are they ready yet?" 

Matthew smiled at the little boy.

"I'm sorry; I was trying to distract him for as long as possible." 

"That's okay, I've just finished." He set them down onto the table with pride. He wanted to show off all his work to Matthew, proving that his teaching didn't go to waste.

"Gilbert these look delicious! I'm glad that those wandering eyes of yours actually payed attention!” Matthew joked. The albino chuckled nervously and kept his apparent 'wandering eyes' from gazing over to his lover's father. 

"Stop talking and let's eat!" Ludwig whined. 

His elder brother ruffled his hair before settling along with the rest of the family at the breakfast table.

"Ja, let's eat! I don't want to say it'll taste awesome... But it will taste awesome!"

Matthew cut a piece of the pancake that was covered in sticky goodness and took a bite. 

"These are really good, pretty good for your first attempt."

Gilbert's narcissism took a prideful turn as his lover complimented him. It was so much different to what he was used to after all. He took his own mouthful of the delicious pastry mix and hummed to himself. It wasn't often he got to cook, even though he was very encouraged by his own food. Francis nodded in agreement with Matthew's comment, and Ludwig was just too busy eating to say anything. 

"I would love to have you as my personal chef, Gilbert." Matthew said. 

His rising blush made it's shine, but Gilbert didn't mind. 

"But your cooking is much better anyway, so we can take turns cooking for each other."

Francis laughed.

"It's amazing how you both are flirting in my face." 

Matthew's gaze snapped quickly to his father's. Despite his blushes and obvious embarrassment, he still kept a light-hearted smile painted on his lips.

"Says you, papa. How many girls did you bring home and flirt around me?"

"That's different, Matthew." Francis joked. 

"Really? How?" His son teased gently. 

"I didn't actually mean what I said. You two actually mean what you flirt to each other." 

Matthew opens his lips to retaliate, but soon found himself in a lack of words, and quickly shut himself again. There was never a time he could win an argument with his father, and this time wasn't an exception. Francis felt the awkward tension after that conversation and shifted in his chair. He then changed the subject.

"Ludwig, Gilbert, and Matthew, would you like to join me at the mall today?" 

Ludwig looked up, slightly confused, but still with a huge mouthful of the delicious breakfast treat stuffed in his mouth.

"The mall?"

Francis nodded and smiled even wider. 

"Yes, Luddy, the mall." 

Gilbert looked up with his own curiosity, matching the look of his little brother. 

"You mean shopping?"

"Exactly, I thought you guys would enjoy shopping. This could probably count as your first date, if you want to." 

"That sounds awesome!" Gilbert grinned happily.

It was time he had stopped living in the past with his abusive ex. He needed to being moving forward once more, and perhaps moving forward with Matthew was the way. After everything the quite blonde had done for him, it was obvious there was nothing that could make the albino happier than finding a new life here with him. Matthew nodded and smiled. 

"I would love that! I just got my paycheck too so this is a perfect time."

"Perfect!" Francis clapped, "We'll leave as soon as everyone's ready."

Ludwig pouted and started whining. 

"I wanna go now!"

Francis only chuckled at the young lad. He placed a strong hand onto the boy's head and smiled.

"Alright, mon garçon, we'll leave now."

Matthew looked at everyone.

"Well off we go!" 


In just a short while, Matthew was being pulled along by an eager young German as he excitedly pointed to every shop. Matthew laughed. 

"Calm down, Luddy! We'll get to each store one by one." 

Gilbert and Francis followed a couple of steps behind, secretly admiring the beautiful sight of the father-like figure Matthew was being to Ludwig. Their smiles matched as they followed the pair around the line of shops. Ludwig finally stopped in front of the store that caught his eye, the Lego Store. Ludwig's big, sparkling blue eyes looked up at Matthew's.

"Can we go in here? Please???" 

Matthew smiled and started heading inside.

"Of course we can."

Matthew was too busy watching Ludwig play to notice that the older brother walked behind him. 

"He's a handful when he's excited." Gilbert chuckled, making Matthew jump.

"So I’ve noticed." 

Matthew leaned into Gilbert a little.

"At least he's happy." 

Gilbert found himself aching for just one simple thing from Matthew. He leant in the rest of the way and wrapped his pale arms around his lover's waist, allowing his chin to rest comfortably onto Matthew's shoulder. It was a perfect moment to him, and there was no way he was going to let anyone shun him just because he was showing his loving affections to another man in public. Matthew smiled at the sudden action and and then gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

"Feeling bold, are we?" 

He bared his white pearls and tightened the grip.

"You could say that."

Before they could enjoy a real kiss, Ludwig came over with Francis. He was holding a toy set.

"Can I have it? Pleeease?"

Matthew took one quick glance to Gilbert to make sure it was okay, and then smiled back to Ludwig.

"Of course you can, Luddy."

Ludwig's smile reached its peak at Matthew's words. 

"Thank you so much!"

Matthew handed the needed money to Francis to allow the payment of said toy. With a knowing hum from the elder man, he headed to the counter, bringing Ludwig along with him. He never let go of Gilbert's hand as he headed to the register. The clerk bagged Ludwig's toy set and handed it to him.

"Here you go!"

Ludwig's eyes seemed to shine as bright as diamonds as he coiled his fingers around the plastic bag.

"Thank you!"

Matthew knelt down to be up to Ludwig's level. 

"Now can we start shopping for clothes?" 

Ludwig nodded eagerly, obviously just wanting to head home so he could play with his new Lego set. He didn't mind where they went now, just as long as he could play later. Matthew stood back up and grabbed the little boy's hand as they walked down the mall; Gilbert and Francis were lagging behind. As the light-hearted conversations relayed around the lagging pair, their happiness and relaxation could be all but contained. It almost felt perfect, and that nothing could go wrong. Gilbert continued to converse casually to his new partner's father, but at the same time, he allowed his red orbs to wonder. It had been a long time since he was able to let lose like this, and he wanted to take in the area as a beautiful memory.

What he failed to notice was the figure standing just to his left. As their shoulders collided, he was forced to snap his head around to the unknown person, ready to apologise and hope he didn't take offense. But, when his eyes locked together with this person's deep purple ones, he couldn't help but pale at the quick recognition. Gilbert's eyes widened and he felt everything stand still. He was looking at his ex, Roderich.


Roderich's eyes flashed bright with sudden realisation, but soon darkened again after all the memories of their time raced back into his mind.

"Hello, Gilbert."

"W-what are you doing here?"

Gilbert's eyes flickered over to Matthew and his little brother. Matthew had turned around when he noticed the figures were no longer following them. Who was the man talking to Gilbert? Whoever he was, the look Gilbert was giving was one that truly terrified him. He had only seen Gilbert so fearful the day he was holding Ludwig at his door, begging for him to save his life. Ludwig was too busy ogling his toy set to see what was going on. Matthew held his hand tighter and walked back over to the two. 

Gilbert was frozen in place. He couldn't see anyone but the fearful ex in front of him. All his senses where bringing him back to the time of his past he was so sure he could finally forget, reminding him of all the negative emotions he was forced to go through.

"Gilbert? What's wrong?"

Matthew looked over at Roderich.

"Who are you?" He asked, sounding like his polar bear that is at home. 

"Who am I? Who are you?" The Austrian mimicked coldly. 

Matthew was caught off guard by the man's harshness. 

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to be rude. My name is Matthew, and I'm Gilbert's...boyfriend." 

For a split second, Matthew saw something flicker on the stranger's phizog which he couldn't quite place. But, before he could deduct the alien emotion, the Austrian had recomposed himself.

"That's strange because I'm Gilbert's boyfriend, Roderich."

Matthew knew that name. Gilbert told him about Roderich. 

"Gilbert, what's going on?" 

Gilbert was pale and frozen. Of all the people to show up, it had to be his abusive ex! What was he going to do? He couldn't bring Matthew into his past with him, and he couldn't do anything to Roderich which would cause a scene in front of Ludwig. His little brother had no idea of what had happened, and he didn't need to scare him by causing an argument. Roderich’s eyes flickered over to Gilbert's. 

"Tell him, tell him about us." 

Gilbert felt a ball of nerves lodge itself into his throat. No matter how he looked at this, there was no way out of it without hurting anyone.

"... 'Us' happened once, Roderich. But it's not there anymore. I'm with Matthew, and that's where I'm staying."

Roderich just stood there for a moment, his fist was clenched and he started shaking. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to suppress his anger. 

"Excuse me? You know that you can't replace me with this piece of shit." He gestured to Matthew. 

Something in Gilbert twinges quickly. 

"He is not a piece of shit, Roderich."

The Austrian crossed his arms. 

"He looks like one to me." 

Gilbert's fury blazed. There were very few times he had ever gotten angry enough to want to hit someone, but one more word from the foul-mouthed Austrian was going to give him the worst of Gilbert's anger.

"He doesn't look like it. He's the most amazing guy I've met, and he doesn't treat me like a verbal punchbag."

"Excuse me? I didn't treat you like anything. I only voiced my opinions about you." 

Matthew saw how angry Gilbert was getting so he placed a hand on the German's shoulder. 

"Gilbert, please calm down." 

Francis knew that something bad was going to happen so he took Ludwig away from the altercation and to another store. Roderich, on the other hand, didn't like the fact that Matthew was touching Gilbert. Gilbert tensed at the touch, but as soon as his eyes met those of Matthew's, his held breath escaped slowly and his shoulders dropped.

Roderich eyes were filled with fire. 


At the sudden outburst, a few onlookers’ heads snapped around to Roderich. Just as quickly, Matthew's eyes also diverted to him, and his hand removed itself off Gilbert's shoulder.

"Roderich, please calm down. You're drawing attention to us."

"Don't tell me to calm down!" He roared, "I've been looking everywhere for you, and I find you with another man?"

Matthew swallowed. 

"G-Gilbert told me he broke up with you."

"I did break up with him." Gilbert assured, "He just didn't take it too well."

"Roderich. Don't you want Gilbert to be happy?"

"He was happy with me! I don't know what kind of delusion you've put him under, but I'm not about to let you take him away from me!"

Matthew stepped closer to Roderich with a light-hearted smile on his face. 

"Roderich, from what Gilbert told me about you, it wasn't very pleasant. I know it may seem misleading but..." 

He was cut off with a slap to the face. Francis' eyes widened as he quickly rushed to his son, screaming for his name. He's the sweetest guy going, how could someone want to slap him?

Gilbert snapped. 


Matthew nursed his swollen cheek carefully, but quickly turned towards the outburst of his lover. He had never seen nor heard the usually free-loving albino angry; he was beginning to feel all the fear Gilbert had to endure for all of his years.

"Gilbert, please calm down..." 


Matthew didn't know what to do. He wasn't used to having fights like this, and especially not with Gilbert. The slap stung incredibly, but he was sure Roderich had his reasons. He must be confused and heartbroken to see his ex with someone else, so Matthew didn't have the heart to get angry himself about it. Raising his voice a little-which was barely-Matthew shouted, “Gilbert, don't do something you're going to regret! Just leave it alone!" 

But Gilbert was already lost in his fury. He could feel the anguish inside him rise up and build up in the palm of his hands. He wanted nothing more but to lash out and make it all disappear. Just as his fingers coiled together to create a fist, he felt a foreign hand curl around his wrist, binding him back and unable to release the tension built. He turned around to see Francis holding his wrist with the most serious look on his face. 

"That's enough, Gilbert. You are making a fool out of yourself and more importantly, you're embarrassing Matthew. Look at him." 

The nurse was sniffling as he was wiping away tears and was still cradling his cheek. All of the anger in him disintegrated into oblivion for a split second as he saw Matthew in the weakened state. But soon enough, it rised once more, only this time, not at Roderich. He was angry at himself for losing himself like that... And for becoming the cause of Matthew's tears.

He uncoiled his fist again and looked to the ground.

"Get out of here, Roderich. I don't love you anymore."

Roderich huffed. 

"Clearly." He gave one more scowl to them and then walked away. As soon as Roderich was out of his sight, Gilbert let out a shaky sigh and clutched his chest. He turned back around to see Matthew, whose cheek was now tinted red, as well as the rims of his eyes. His brows were furrowed; he was clearly not expressing happiness. 
Gilbert didn't know what to say or do, but as he stared into his pain-stricken love, he could help but see everything he had been through reflect on Matthew's face. His breathing was laboured, his tears were streaming...

Before he could stop himself, his knees buckled and he fell. He buried his face in his hands. He did the one thing he promised he wouldn't do to Matthew, and here he was the cause of Matthew's tears. He hoped Ludwig wasn't around. Francis sighed and helped him back to his feet.

"We better go home and sort this out."

Matthew picked Ludwig up in his arms and patted his back as he kissed his cheek. He didn't want Ludwig to see that he and his big brother were crying. 

"Alright, let's go." 

Francis held onto Gilbert and strided ahead, making sure that Ludwig couldn't see his brother in such a state, and they headed back home.

They got back a little later than usual because of the traffic. Matthew came inside with Ludwig still in his arms. The boy was so excited that he wore himself out, he was half-asleep. Matthew laid him out on the couch before walking up to his room. 

"Go talk to him.” Francis whispered. 

Gilbert sighed and followed Matthew up. He needed to explain everything and make sure that the young nurse was okay again. There was nothing that hurt him more than knowing he was the cause of his sadness.He made it to the door and knocked on it. 

"Matthew? Matthew, please open the door."

All he heard was a sniffle. He didn't bother opening the door, but instead leant his forehead onto the frame, trying his best to keep himself together.

"Matthew, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to get angry, but I couldn't just stand there and see him hurt you like that. Not when I know what he's capable of."

Matthew placed his hand on the door. From the silent response, Gilbert knew he wasn't done apologizing.

"I... I can't really explain or excuse it but... I would never want to hurt you, and I'd never mean to get angry at you, especially when you're only trying to help me. That's all you've ever done is given me a reason to be happy, so why," Gilbert's voice began to quiver, "Why do I only give you a reason to make you upset in return?"

Matthew smiled faintly as he heard Gilbert's heartfelt episode. With a deep breath, he opened the door and pulled Gilbert into a hug. As soon as the mere shock of the sudden embrace had passed, Gilbert brought his own arms up and hugged him back tightly.

"I... Ich liebe dich, Matthew."

The blonde softly replied, "Je ‘taime, Gilbert..."

Gilbert smiled and kissed him softly on the cheek. 

"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

Matthew smiled and then said, "You can take care of my cheek....and you can stay with me tonight..."

Gilbert nodded and went off to find the first aid kit. When he came back, he settled himself beside Matthew on the bed and started tending to the swollen area.

"Roderich is pretty strong, Gilbert"

The albino's eyes flashed sadly as his frown turned sour.

"Ja... I know..."

Matthew saw the reaction from his comment so he tried to lighten the mood. 

"Isn't this ironic? A nurse, getting hurt and being treated like a patient."

Understanding the change of subject, Gilbert sighed gently and relaxed his frown back into a small smile.

"It's a little ironic, but it just goes to show even nurses are still human."

Matthew giggled and wrapped a hand around the other's.

"This nurse is happy that he has you to take care of him." 

"And I'm happy to be caring for this nurse."

Matthew blushed and then started to lean in slowly, closing his eyes. Gilbert matched the pace and met him with his own lips, pulling the nurse into a gentle, loving kiss. They would've remained like that if it hasn't been for Ludwig interrupting. His pure blue eyes were wide and hopeful as he held his new Lego set tightly to his chest. A single glance over to the young innocence and both of the adults knew there was no way they'd be left alone again. They smiled to each other and waited for the question he was bursting to ask.

"Will you play with me?"

I'm alive!!!! And here is the new update for the series that I have been neglecting...

This is actually the longest chapter, thanks to :iconxlilslayerx: for Rping this with me again! The word count is 3,741! 

© 2014 - 2024 blightfighter45
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Secret-Emo's avatar
May you please update?